Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Benefits Of Glutathione, My Personal Testimony

Several months ago now, I was very happy with my life as it was, and with what I was doing at the time...except for a few minor health issues, which Vickie (my wife) and myself just accepted as a normal part of aging.

Overall our general health was good, for couple in our mid to late 50's. We had started noticing little things like our vision wasn't as good as it once was, mental focus was harder to maintain, our energy level fell off by mid-afternoon.

Vickie was bothered with Restless Leg Syndrome...extremely uncomfortable for her, if she sat in one spot for a period of time...such as riding in car, or watching TV. Occasionally this condition would even interfere with her sleep during the night.

Because of the fact that, I probably spent to much time in my younger years either on the golf course, in a boat fishing, or in the field hunting...all outdoors in the sun, while rarely wearing a cap to protect my face. I was making regular visits to the Dermatologist, to have pre-cancers removed from my fore head and face.

I said all that, to say this; Several months ago a friend sent me a sample of a new product to try. It's call MaxGXL, which stands for "Maximum Glutathione Accelerator". He sent enough for each of us to take it for about 2 1/2 weeks. By the 2 week point, we were both experiencing some pretty amazing improvement in the way we felt, and knew we did not want to run out of it!

  • Right away we noticed a increase in our energy level, no longer felt the need for that little mid afternoon power nap. Not the kind of buzz you get from an energy drink or caffeine, just a natural feeling of being energized.
  • Our Mental Clarity and Focus has really improved, and continues to improve even more...fewer senior moments.
  • Both Vickie and Myself comment regularly that we are amazed at how our our vision is sharper and clearer.
  • Vickie has not been bothered at all symptoms of Restless Leg.
  • Improved fore head looks better that it has in years.
  • Sound and Restful Sleep...Awaking feeling rested and refreshed, ready to pop out of bed before alarm sounds.
  • Improved Breathing...much less wheezing and coughing
  • Generally feeling better...fewer aches and pains, a real sense of well being.
  • No soreness or stiffness following hard days of yard work this spring.
The benefits of increased glutathione are evident to both my wife and myself, if you would like to see for yourself how you may benefit from increased glutathione. Here is the place to get a sample of MaxGXL now.

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